There is a 2 percent increase in enrollment this semester compared to spring of 2000, a boost the campus attributes in part to students taking advantage of the STARS system of automated registration.
Many students avoided the last minute rush of registering or trying to add classes that are already full by taking advantage of the STARS system of priority phone registration that started Nov. 13 or using open telephone registration from Dec. 11 to 21 and Jan. 2 through 11.
“The latest figures show that we have 14,757 students,” said Sharon Combs, Dean of Admissions and Records. There were 14,713 students last fall, Combs said.
Of the 14,757 students currently enrolled, 8,923 are female and 5,834 are male. “Like other colleges there are more females than males,” said Combs.
Of the current crop of students, there are 10,460 continuing students; the rest are new students, transfers or recent high school graduates.
The majority of students are full-time, taking 12 units or more.
Although the last day to add classes is today, the numbers can still increase because some students are still going through late registration, some will register for or add second eight- and nine-week classes, and students can still apply for credit/no credit in the first round of eight and nine-week classes until Feb. 12.