Roger That
There are many clubs that are part of Glendale Community College, but one of their newest clubs is quickly picking up momentum and is full of potential.
The GCC Radio Club was established last semester with the help of David Novoa, who is the president, and also their advisor Jayson Helgeson, instructor of music.
It all started with an idea, some passion, and a little help from the Associated Students of Glendale Community College. ASGCC approved a Special Organization Support (SOS) grant for Novoa and his Radio Club. Those initial funds helped set up their Soundcloud account, which essentially serves as their base of operations for storing and distributing content. The remaining grant money went into the design of their club logo – which one of Novoa’s friends designed by-hand.
The next step was getting their grip on legitimate recording equipment. Here, Novoa stepped up and brought all his equipment for the club to use, since this is the first time GCC has had a radio club, or anything to do with radio. Novoa pitched in roughly $3,000 of his own money to get the club off the ground.
It was one of quite a few obstacles that stood in the way of Radio Club’s launch, but Novoa keeps his outlook positive. “We do have obstacles but I don’t look at them like obstacles, I just look at them like opportunities to grow,” said Novoa.
The main objective of the club is to bring innovative ideas to Glendale College and to reach out and be informed. “It’s like a creative platform,” said Novoa, “all the students are participating and being a part of the creative process.”
“We want to give the students a voice,” said Radio Club Vice President Lilit Danelyan.
The club meets on Wednesdays and Thursdays with the general members, which consist of 13 students, and on Fridays they record their podcast.
Their podcast, Mountain Cloud Radio, has a wide variety of segments. One segment is all about music, where they play vintage vinyl records from all across the spectrum of music. “Student Toolbox,” the podcast section when members take turns grabbing student-submitted questions out of a toolbox followed by answering them, is a group favorite. Other segments include “Campus Life” and “Showcase.” Debates of all kinds within the Radio Club make up an important part of the podcast, too.
“One time I got in a stupid argument over cheeseburgers,” said Bobby Morales, treasurer of the club.
Members of the Radio Club are reaching out to other campus clubs, like the Theatre Guild, to increase their respective outreach in a symbiotic fashion.
“We are also reaching out to professors for any information they want to hand out about their classes,” said Novoa.
The club wants GCC to be aware that they are there and have the ability to voice their opinions, not only for the students but for anyone on campus.
“It’s like a web connecting all the departments,” said Novoa.
One of their upcoming occasions is their Halloween podcast, which will be on Oct 27. And, yes, costumes are required. You can RSVP by emailing [email protected].
You can listen to Mountain Cloud Radio on Soundcloud.

Ken Allard is a Los Angeles native and is in his fourth year at Glendale Community College. He enjoys covering hard news, politics, feature stories, sports,...

Carolina Diaz has been attending Glendale Community College since 2015. One of her goals is to transfer to a 4-year university. Her passion is writing...