GCC Library Gets a Grand Makeover
The new library has become a great hang out and study location for students on campus, including Sophomores Frank Irowa (left) and Dominic Gully (right).
Glendale Community College’s library got a $480,000 renovation, with the main floor of the library, housed on the third floor, finished just in time for the fall semester. The work took place over the course of two years, with more anticipated renovations coming.
The Dean of Library and Learning Support Services, Eric Hanson, said that the input for the end-result of the work has come from students. “We’re trying to meet the needs of students,” he said, explaining that in the first year of his time at GCC, whiteboards asking for student input could be found around the library facilities.
That has translated into smarter work spaces, more natural light, and an altogether more inviting feel of the facilities. “Every table and every chair has, or is near, an electrical outlet,” he said.
“In the future, the students might be able to check out the charging cord so they can take back to their table and not leave their phone at the station,” Hanson described.
“I noticed the changes and I really like it,” said Jennifer Flores, a student at GCC who has seen the library just before the renovations. “I feel like I can concentrate better,” Flores said.
A collaboration between the GCC Library and the Associates of the Brand Library & Art Center has also led to a special display of art in the main study area. Reproductions of artworks from the Association’s collection line the wall in a geometric fashion. The art is also complemented by an abundance of natural light. “Studies show that students perform better with natural light,” said Hanson, describing the process of redesign.
The library redesign was spearheaded by a review process, Title V funds, the college’s Foundation, Associated Students of Glendale Community College, Facilities, and Susan Courtey.
“While the third floor is officially completed my next project is to finish the fourth floor,” Hanson said. “The fourth floor will be designated as the Quiet Study space in the library and starting work on that portion of the redesign is dependent on funding. Work on the fourth floor will cost around $650,000.

Carolina Diaz has been attending Glendale Community College since 2015. One of her goals is to transfer to a 4-year university. Her passion is writing...

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