Guild Association Files Impasse
Glendale College Guild Association filed for impasse on May 13, after the administration failed to offer a fair pay raise. Since there isn’t a contract agreement, an outside mediator will be brought in to look for the facts.
The Guild’s negotiating team proposed that the 2.75 percent portion of the 2015-16 raise should continue, rather than allowing it to expire on June 30.
“The faculty is confused, we ask why are other districts giving raises, but not us? And that’s the million dollar question,” Guild President Zohara Kaye said to the Board of Trustees Tuesday.
Administrators offered faculty the State Cost-of-Living Adjustment (COLA) plus 100 percent of the 2016-17 growth percentage achieved at the negotiating table on Thursday. Gov. Brown’s revised proposal lowered the state COLA from .47 percent to zero percent, reducing the salary offer to zero.
Ron Nakasone, chief negotiator of the administration, presented the budget during a faculty meeting on Tuesday.
He said the college has received a total of $8.28 million in as a restricted or one-time revenues for the 2016-17 school year. Of that amount, about $4 million hasn’t been used due to decrease in enrollment. The state is also giving $75 million in base augmentation for all the community colleges. GCC will receive $920,000.
“Upon a request from the Guild, the college opened its books for an American Federation of Teachers consultant for review,” Nakasone said. “The consultant did not find any additional money for collective bargaining.”

Melody Shahsavarani is currently a sophomore at Glendale Community College. She has always had a passion for news so she joined journalism during her senior...