An overwhelming anticipation strikes GCC students as they approach the quest for parking.
Traveling on the 2 North Freeway, exiting and making a left on Mountain Street, staying in the right hand lane and making a right on to College Dwy brings you to the main entrance of the new parking structure.
The summer session (2007) brought the end to the construction of the new parking structure. Since both the new parking structure and the elevators are finally accessible, many students were happy to no longer have to climb the dreadful stairs to ascend what has been called Cardiac Hill. The stress relieving situation: not waking up early to find parking has made life a little simpler for many students. With all the pressure of college, this new structure should have made life a little easier.
The new structure has six levels and more than 1,100 parking spots.
This $26 million project and its 1,185 spots practically insured the students of GCC better parking and not having to circle around the parking lots waiting until someone leaves.
“When I first started at GCC, I’d see people begging strangers to get into their cars so they could have the stranger’s parking spot and not be late to class. I thought this was ridiculous and I was excited [the structure] was going to open,” said Andy Kenareki, 19, a political science major.
Since the semester began Feb. 19, the entrance to the new parking structure is sometimes blocked off with dirty neon green cones and a guard in uniform has been informing drivers to turn around because the structure is full and they need to find another place to park. Officer Rony Aharonian said that although they are short staffed, they try to provide the best service for everyone. There are “units” constantly driving around the structure and letting the guard know when to let cars in. Unwanted traffic “gridlock” is the reason for not allowing cars to circle the structure.
Parking lot 30 located behind the Mobil gas station at Mountain and Verdugo has many available parking spots throughout the day.