The “Vagina Monologues,” held in the GCC Auditorium raised $3,000. Bringing Eve Ensler’s “Vagina Monologues” to GCC was made possible by the United Womyn’s Council. All proceeds went to aid women who have been victims of violence and to help in their “End the Violence” campaign.
David Barsamian lost his voice after talking to a crowd of nearly 70 people about corrupt media on March 14. Barsamian, a journalist and founder/director of Alternative Radio, hosts an independent radio broadcast geared toward bringing the truth into public awareness. The People Against War club organized the lecture.
“War on terrorism will only increase terrorism,” said Barsamian. He spoke of the Sept. 11 attacks and elaborated on the question of, “Why do they hate the Americans?”
Ted Stern conducted the GCC Orchestra on Sunday with the winners of the 13th annual Piano Concert competition. The winners of the competition were within the ages of 13 and 14. It was co-sponsored by GCC and the Glendale branch of the Music Teachers Association of California.
The Cultural Diversity Forum held on March 14 in the J.W. Smith Student Center brought together students of various racial and ethnic backgrounds to share their concerns and experiences in America. Sociology professor J.C. Moore organized the forum in an effort to open the experience of the different races and ethnicities thriving in our school, to one another. A panel of Argentinean, Armenian, German, Jewish, black, Caucasian, Vietnamese and lesbian Americans gathered to talk about likes and dislikes of their own cultures and their experiences in America.
Entry Point, a new program for disabled students who plan to transfer to a university and who are majoring in certain fields of study, is a paid summer internship managed by the American Association for the Advancement of Science. The program enabled about 33 percent of students with disabilities to be placed into internships. Interested parties may contact Delta Sigma Omicron president George Acevedo at (323) 255-4234.