California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office Hosts Student Media Teleconference
Interim Chancellor Gonzales speaks to telecommunications and journalism students about the Associate Degree for Transfer program, expanded Baccalaureate Degree program, FAFSA, Undocumented Student Action Week and the impact of the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals’ Decision on the DACA program

“We want all students to know that California community college campuses welcome them, regardless of their residency status,” said Interim Chancellor Daisy Gonzales on Oct. 6 to attendees of the first California Community Colleges Chancellor’s Office student media teleconference of the 2022-23 academic year. “We are deeply troubled by yesterday’s Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals’ decision, which held that the DACA program violates federal law.” She explained that the court’s decision allows current DACA recipients to avoid immediate disruption to their lives and urged anyone with DACA status to seek an extension as soon as possible.
Gonzales focused her remarks on four areas: Undocumented Student Action Week (Oct. 17-21) (folding in an update on the recent appellate court ruling), Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASA) application open date (Oct. 1), Associate Degree for Transfer deadline (Nov. 30), and an update on the now permanent and expanded Baccalaureate Degree Program.
“The Governor signed really important bills that I want to make sure that you knew about because our job together is to give people hope,” said Gonzales. State lawmakers acted on two bills during this legislative session that will positively impact undocumented students: AB 540 allows undocumented students to qualify for in-state tuition, and SB 1141 eliminates the two-year cap on credit courses that can be counted towards achieving AB 540 status.
Emphasizing what she said is her commitment to all students, Gonzales explained the California community colleges (CCC) seek to create a system where students feel like they belong and have the support they need to succeed. In support of their mission and to engage and activate students, faculty, staff, and administrators to support the needs of undocumented students, CCC and their partners will host Undocumented Student Action Week (Oct. 17-21) across the 116 CCCs. “Juntos Podemos (Together We Can): Collaborative Ecosystems the Support Undocumented Students” is this year’s theme.
CCC’s Undocumented Student Resource Centers seeks to help students connect to immigration and other support services. Gonzales urged DACA students, faculty, and staff to make a free appointment with a legal services provider as soon as possible to renew their DACA application (no new DACA applications are being accepted). Students can visit to get connected to a free legal services provider. Students can also find a resource center on their campus on the website.
As of Oct. 1, students can utilize the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) application for the 2023-24 academic year. Gonzales said that FAFSA could be accessed through the website, shifting her focus to financial aid. FAFSA is the pathway to financial assistance at the federal, state, local and institutional levels. Undocumented students can access financial aid through the California Dream Act Application, now accepting applications for the 2023-24 academic year. She encouraged students to apply for financial aid as soon as possible to determine their award amount and plan for the next school year.
Gonzales then focused her remarks on academic details. Nov. 30 is the deadline for students to submit their application to transfer to most four-year universities for the Fall 2023-24 academic year. Highlighting how unique California is, Gonzales spoke about a key element of the program: California community college associate degree graduates are guaranteed a spot at a participating CSU, UC, HBCU, or private not-for-profits, under the Associate Degree for Transfer program. She encouraged students to contact the transfer office as soon as possible to ensure they’ve met the requirements and to secure their spot.
Towards the end of the teleconference, Gonzales provided an update on the CCCs Baccalaureate Degree Program. Last year, Gov. Gavin Newsom signed AB927, and the pilot Baccalaureate Degree Program became permanent. This year, the CCC Board of Governors approved three additional degrees. Currently, there are 15 bachelor’s degree programs, each individually designed for specific colleges and carefully selected based on the workforce demands in each region. The goal is accessible bachelor’s degrees that lead directly to jobs in the local area. The cost for students enrolled in a CCC for a bachelor’s degree, taking lower-division courses, is $46 per unit. Upper-division courses have a supplemental $84 fee, bringing the total to $130 per upper-division unit.
Glendale College Admission and Records office confirmed that although GCC offers Associate of Arts Degrees, Associate of Science Degrees, Certificates of Achievement, and Associate for Transfer Degrees, currently, GCC does not offer any baccalaureate or bachelor’s degrees.
During her talk, the interim chancellor talked fondly of her work history within the CCC system and her role in leading the system’s Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility – work that continues to be a top priority. She expressed her excitement about being with students at her first Student Media Teleconference, an event that opens an important line of communication between students and the office that advocates for them at the state level.
A press release from Aug. 4 highlights Gonzales’ work experience within the CCC system. “With her institutional knowledge of the system’s progress toward the Vision for Success and fiscal and policy expertise, Dr. Gonzales is the perfect person to lead the California Community Colleges during this time,” said Pamela Haynes, president of the Board of Governors for California Community Colleges. “With her support, the system has achieved all-time highs for completion and transfer outcomes, but there is still much work to be completed. We appreciate Dr. Gonzales’ collaborative and innovative leadership, and her passion to continue to serve our students.”
To set a free appointment with a Transfer Center representative before the Nov. 30 deadline to get help and learn more about the Associate Degree for Transfer program, refer to:
To learn more about the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FASA) application, refer to:
To learn more about financial aid resources, refer to:
To learn more about Undocumented Student Action Week – Oct. 17-21, refer to:
To learn more about GCCs DACA support, refer to:
For free immigration legal services and case support offered by Higher Education Legal Services for students, staff, and faculty on California community college campuses statewide or virtually, refer to:
The Career Service program provides a venue for students to assess their life priorities and developmental needs, research current occupational and academic information, and receive individualized support in defining and achieving their career and educational goals. To receive free career counseling, refer to: