Start Thinking On Your Career
Glendale Community College’s journalism department will hold a first of its kind event, on Thursday, Nov. 16 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the GCC Auditorium. “There will be coffee and doughnuts, as well as raffle giveaways,” said Journalism instructor and adviser Rory Cohen, who organized the event.
Journalism professionals will answer questions and share their experiences about how they entered the media. Journalism Day was born out of a desire and vision to host a speakers series on campus, in order to educate students and staff about the different paths journalism or communications majors could take.
Cohen tapped into her contacts in the field and reached reporters in her rolodex as far as Lebanon. The intent of the event is to inspire students already in the program and to open the doors of the newsroom to those who are interested in obtaining a degree in communications.
“Let’s dispel the myth that journalism doesn’t lead to a successful career,” Cohen explained. “On the contrary, journalism is one of the most extraordinary privileges and critical roles.”
A journalism degree provides enormously useful training, said Cohen, pointing to the many careers journalism majors go into. Cohen will host a panel of experienced journalists and community members, and will Skype in guest speakers from Washington, D.C.
One such speaker, James Gordon Meek will be conferenced in and will discuss his work traveling with U.S. troops and his documentary coverage of the rise of the Islamic State of Syria and Iraq (known as ISIS).
Journalism Day will also feature GCC’s sports department and a representative of Associated Students. They will talk about the importance of communication in small communities such as Glendale College and why storytelling matters.
The event will be open to GCC students and the public. Cohen said she is expecting several students from local universities to attend, as well as local media.
Instructors and staff who attend will earn two hours of flex time.

Growing up in a big family of journalists and writers, Marian developed her love for writing and reporting since early childhood. She is often found in...