Students Bounce Back With Fun and Games


Carolina Diaz

FREE FOOD!: Sintia Babakhani prepares the snacks offered with the free meal at the Welcome Back event.

The Associated Students of Glendale Community College (ASGCC) held its bi-annual “Welcome Back” event March 2 at Plaza Vaquero. This semester’s carnival theme was sports.

Members of ASGCC served free plates of hot wings, vegetables, chips, popcorn and drinks. The inflatable basketball and foosball courts attracted a crowd. Students competed against each other to see who can score the farthest basket, while others participated in a foosball match.

Along with games and food, music blasted from the speakers, influencing a dance battle among the students.

One of the dance battles was between senator of organizations, Aureen Aghajanian, and visitor Neil Nativida.

Booths from different clubs encouraged students to join in extracurricular activities and also an information booth gave tips on applying for scholarships throughout the year.

“The welcome back event has happened before and the purpose of it is to get students excited for the semester and show them that they can get involved with the school as well,” said senator of activities Keran Oroudjian.