Only a century ago women in this country were fighting for their basic human rights, but America in 2010 dedicates an entire month to the impact of women on society.
March marks the 22nd annual Women’s History Month celebrated here at Glendale College.
This school has commemorated women’s triumph and struggle in class studies, plays, film screenings and guest speakers since 1988.
The theme this month will be Images of Real Women. Opinions on how women have and still do represent themselves and what they need to do to establish a better image will be discussed in many of the presentations. Student points of views are encouraged in these open discussions.
The majority of events consist of in-class explorations of these topics that visitors are invited to. A schedule of these events is posted online at
One of the presentations this month is titled “Human Trafficking in Los Angeles: A Call to Action.” This interactive Social Science/Humanities Lecture Presentation will be held on March 25. The event is to be led by Taja McKinney-Zisler from the Coalition to Abolish Slavery and Trafficking in Kreider Hall. The main topic of the evening will discuss how many women, men and children are working in Los Angeles against their will.
In the past, this school’s efforts, shown in lectures, performances, debates and videos have represented a unique campus-wide collaboration for Women’s History Month. From influential politicians, such as former California Assemblywoman Jackie Goldberg, to revolutionary writers and educators, such as Joan Brumberg and Jean Cunningham, this campus has had many exceptional speakers in former presentations.
Though these events may be in commemorate the efforts of women, men are more than welcome to celebrate by giving speeches or offering any educational opportunity with any event plan. “We welcome male speakers as well,” said Professor Peggy Renner of the history department. “These events aren’t limited to just women.”
Also in the past the school has held numerous plays to celebrate women’s history. Several years ago faculty performed in a memorable piece titled “Women’s Life in the 1950s.” The play told of the daily struggles and efforts of the common day woman in America during that era. The school would love to support any other plays or performances such as that this year as well.
The school is soliciting additional participation. If any student is interested in developing a learning opportunity that would highlight the history of women this month, students are asked to email plans to Jessica Gillooly at [email protected].