In August, a group of GCC theater arts students will be traveling to Edinburgh, Scotland, to take theater professor Ken Gray’s play “Something’s Missing” to the 60th Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
The Festival Fringe is the “largest theatre festival in the world,” said Lani Harris, the guest director for “Something’s Missing.” Harris is a theater professor from the University of Central Florida.
In 2005 there were 1,800 shows performed at the festival, which is held annually. This year it will be taking place Aug. 6 to 28.
According to Harris, who will be going with the students, they will be there from Aug. 12 to 27.
Since there are so many shows going on at the same time, the performers have to go out and entice people to go and see their particular performance.
That’s why the students who are going are taking an improvisation class.
“To get your show to be noticed and get an audience you really have to go out and perform and do something spectacular to get people’s interest,” said Carlo Morelli, who plays Ryan
in “Something’s Missing.” “So we do improv, will do little games that we invent to get participation with people on the street, and hopefully they won’t be too drunk -it’s Scotland!”
This trip is being partially funded by both the ASGCC and the University of Central Florida.
Harris was given a $1,000 grant from the University of Central Florida Office of Women’s Research, to pay for the venue, and the ASGCC is paying for dormitories and publicity.
This, however, does not cover all the costs and they are looking to get community sponsors to help pay for the student’s flights and they will also be doing fundraisers.
This is truly an opportunity for these students.
“It’s a great experience for me,” said Morelli. “I’m really looking forward to it.”