The Student Newspaper of Glendale Community College

El Vaquero

The Student Newspaper of Glendale Community College

El Vaquero

The Student Newspaper of Glendale Community College

El Vaquero

1936Mathematically Speaking

Sept. 12, 1936, Glendale Junior College Galleon

“How long am I going to live?”…What chance have I of getting a job when I finish school?” These and many other questions face the youth of today. Black though the future may appear, statisticians show that the members of the so-called “lost generation” have chances for longer life and more chances for jobs than the people of a hundred years ago.

According to Louis I. Dublin, third vice president and statistician of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, the average age of the individual is sixty-nine years. During the last hundred years this average has increased twenty years, and it will continue to advance as science perfects more means of promoting longevity. For example, of all the children born this year, 75 percent will be alive at the age of fifty, the other 25 havign died before that time. Twenty-five percent of those living will reach the age of seventy-eight.

Even in years of depression, an individual has four out of five chances of making a successful career for himself. Training for some special profession makes jobs even more available, provided the field is not too crowded. Industries and business firms are continually looking for skilled and trained workers. Young people are urged to be ambitious and willing and for those who have talent, training, and energy, it is almost impossible not to come out on top, even in an era of depression.

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The Student Newspaper of Glendale Community College
1936Mathematically Speaking