The Student Newspaper of Glendale Community College

El Vaquero

The Student Newspaper of Glendale Community College

El Vaquero

The Student Newspaper of Glendale Community College

El Vaquero

Alexandra Wallace is a YouTube Boob

Few of us have not been guilty of acting with malice and saying things that we have later regretted. And I refuse to listen to your objection because in some way or another, you were at fault.

Growing up, we were instructed by parents and teachers to treat others, as we wanted to be treated. If Jack called little bright-eyed Sally a “butthead,” Jack was sent to the corner and placed in a time-out with his nose facing the wall for 10 minutes. Complete purgatory.

As a child, getting away with calling another student an inappropriate name, not being scolded for it or paying a karmic price for it later was almost like receiving a get out of jail free card in the board game Monopoly. Escaping justice is a rare phenomenon in real life.

Today, YouTube, similar to the Internet itself, is a free space that distributes get out of jail free cards on a daily basis like free candy. Under the First Amendment, we are protected by the freedom of speech and expression. However, most users exploit this right and do not receive their just desserts. Ethical? I think not.

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Let me say it loud and clear. As a journalist, the First Amendment is the most important right I have because it guarantees freedom of the press. It does not, however, guarantee that the Brittney-Spears-not-so-blonde-look-alike gets to censure a particular race in a public video and keep her excellent Bruin reputation. And I consider it my First Amendment responsibility to call out ignorant bullies like Alexandra Wallace for their bad behavior. Consider yourself flagged.

After Wallace openly criticized and stereotyped the Asian population of the UCLA for family members visiting the dorms, helping out with chores and checking up on their tsunami-impacted relatives in the library, she voluntarily took herself out of the university.

Although the college was forced by the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education to drop the disciplinary hearing against her, she was not off the hook.

Numerous videos and parodies were posted in response to the video, each expressing insulted feelings and zero tolerance for discrimination.

One of these was “Vlog #4: Asians in the Library – UCLA Girl (Alexandra Wallace) going wild on Asians” by DavidSoComedy where he comically communicated his sheer resentment.

“I’m not mad at you girl because Asian people are racist too, but we have enough common sense to not just put it out on video,” said DavidSoComedy.

The chances of Wallace getting into another college, being hired anyplace and dating an Asian are slim, at least for 2011 to 2012. Maybe if she changes her name, dyes her hair and saves the cleavage T-shirt for the adult entertainment videos, which YouTube already has enough of, she’ll have a shot at not being recognized.

It is evident that videos like hers should not be posted on the Internet.

Yet, with YouTube’s slogan “Broadcast Yourself,” the website has made it accessible for people to post literally whatever they feel, ranging from a beneficial informative tutorial video to a complete hate speech as well as everything in between and even outside of those two subjects.

Nonetheless, no one should have the right to broadcast hate messages, especially with a foot up their mouth.

You would think that when a website develops into “the largest video-sharing community,” it should become subject to customary rules such as decency and respect; however, according to YouTube’s terms of service (TOS), those concepts get thrown in the trash and people say literally anything.

It’s not that I’m against free speech-only discriminatory speech. After all, the First Amendment, tattooed on my right thigh, reads, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

Note that it says “Congress shall make no law” and not “You can say any brainless thing you want and there will not be any negative repercussions.” Alexandra Wallace should have thought about that before she decided to verbally attack the Asian population of UCLA.

From a glance, she looks like she’s expressing her own points of view. But on the opposite side of the screen, she looks and sounds entirely dense.

It’s one thing to be ignorant and racist, but do you really need everyone to know that you’re dim-witted too?

Wallace is certainly one-of-a-kind considering she was presumed to be educated-most racists are unaware or just plain brainwashed by parents or peers and then never mature. This confirms that you can be book-smart but not people-smart. She sure tricked UCLA, though, didn’t she?

Wallace’s video was downright chauvinistic and ill informed. It amounted to bullying, victimizing people and then saying that they deserved it. It’s like knocking out some kid and then saying he is wearing “gay” glasses. There is no difference.

Part of the issue for such videos is “live feed,” in which there’s a web cam on their computer and users video blog without ever reviewing their own word vomit. They don’t pause to think if they’re saying something intelligent and enlightening, if someone could be harmed by their words and/or actions or if any of this might come back to haunt them at a later date.

Unfortunately, the Internet never forgets and nothing is ever truly erased.

Indeed, YouTube has an account termination policy, in which it “reserves the right to decide whether content violates these terms of service for reasons other than copyright infringement, such as, but not limited to, pornography, obscenity, or excessive length. YouTube may at any time, without prior notice and in its sole discretion, remove such content and/or terminate a user’s account for submitting such material in violation of these terms of service.”

Ahem, does this policy really exist? With the copious amount of racist, offensive and “who knows anymore” rated videos; this seems too ambiguous for my tastes. You can bet your bottom dollar that Alexandra Wallace is a name that will be remembered.

Aside from taking the time to read YouTube’s TOS rules, because I highly doubt that you will, before you go ahead and make a complete fool of yourself, you should know it’s the doctrine of common sense. Stop and think, is this really appropriate? Others might believe you’re the one with the problem. And if you’re in a desperate need of attention, seek a psychiatrist.

In case you’re unfamiliar about the concept of bullying, check out “Hands and Words are not for Hurting” at

The project’s mission is “To educate each person in every community about his or her moral and legal right to live free of abuse and violence (verbal or physical).”

Then, why don’t you give yourself a nice long time-out.

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The Student Newspaper of Glendale Community College
Alexandra Wallace is a YouTube Boob